Beautiful forest of Miyazaki


We got to nature on our days off

We usually go out in nature on our days off.
In order to convey various pleasures to our customers, we ourselves enjoy various activities on a daily basis.

Hiking, fly fishing, bird watching, and flower photography. We enjoy various activities in nature and tell our customers.
And we actually test and check new products in the field.

shoes for mountain stream

shoes for mountain stream

On my days off, I sometimes enjoy going out in nature with my customers.
We go out into nature for various purposes such as preparation, gears testing, and customer guidance, but it would make us happy if our daily activities lead to an improvement in the quality of life of our customers.

fly fishing with customer

fly fishing with customer

  • Writer
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Shogo Nakano

Shogo Nakano


Owner of outdoor store PORTAL in Miyazaki Prefecture. I spend 100-150 days a year enjoying various outdoor activities such as hiking, fly-fishing, and bird-watching in mountains and valleys.

  1. Hike and wildflowers

  2. Mt. Ichifusa from Nishimera Village

  3. Mt. Takachiho-no-mine : Yumegaoka Route

